Learn To Ring!

A bell in the mouth up position

Bell Ringing is great fun! There are about 40,000 bellringers in the UK, and 40,000 people can’t be wrong! With that many ringers, it’s a great hobby socially too. No matter where you go in the UK, you’re never far from a tower with bells and a band of ringers who will welcome you – including the pub afterwards!

At St Martins, Epsom, we are always pleased to welcome visitors at our weekly practice nights. Please come up to the ringing room (when the bells have stopped) to see what we do or if you are interested in learning to ring.

Initial bellringing training takes several weeks, after which learners can begin to ring with the rest of the band.

Ringers come from all walks of life, and we can teach anybody over 10 years old!

(not representative of all ringing chambers! We don’t, for example, have anything pigeon or mobile phone related!)